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“And in every place incense shall be offered unto My name and a holy offering.”

- Malachi 1:11b -


Our Story

Honoring Father, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit.

Ketoreth School of Prayer is a non-profit kingdom organization, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The mandate for Ketoreth was received from the Lord, was confirmed a 2nd time in a dream and again confirmed a 3rd time through a prophetic word. Fauchia Claassen is the founder of Ketoreth, with a bachelors degree in ministry honors and prophetic ministry. Her values of Christ-likeness, holiness, righteousness, love, oneness, tranformation and walking in the fear of the Lord are the core pillars of Ketoreth.

The essence of Ketoreth is not to do all the praying. We exist to establish kingdom intercessors, to reform, to help, inspire, educate, develop, strengthen, sanctify and empower kingdom intercessors.

"And thou shalt make it a fragrance, a perfume after the art of the perfumer, salted, pure and holy" Exodus 30:35

Vision: An everlasting holy fragrance arising across the globe permeating the body of Christ driven by a network of mature, potent and holy kingdom intercessors.

And in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering:” Malachi 1:11b



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  • When: 6 April 2024 @ 09:00 - 17:00

  • Where: Windhoek

  • Place: Westlane Shopping Centre, Pioniers Park Ext 1

  • Entrance: N$200 (Include a light brunch)

  • Enquire / Book: @ +264818008407 or

  • Information:

    • No cell recordings permitted

    • Languages: Afrikaans and/or English


  • When: 26 October 2024 @ 09:00 - 13:00

  • Where: TBC

  • Place: Windhoek

  • Entrance: No Fee (includes coffee/tea)

What people say




Attending this prayer training was awesome, informative and powerful. I'll not hesitate to attend this type of training again, because it has enhanced my spiritual life tremendously. "Knowledge is power" once you acquire more spiritual knowledge, you will not be defeated in all areas of your life.

Get in touch

For enquiries, please use our get in touch form or email us at We are highly mobile, therefore we will get back to you as soon as we can. You an call us at +264818008407, as Namibia is in the Central Africa Time zone at GMT/UTC+2 hours, congruous with South African Standard Time.

Get in touch


Ketoreth School of Prayer

PO Box 81905 Olympia,

Windhoek, Namibia

 © copyright 2023

Contact us

Tel: +264 818008407

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